Hello 😊

Experience evolves over time and anything I recommend or share is done from the heart and in good faith; with the intention of helping you navigate through life and some of the challenges that come your way. I speak from my experience and share primarily from my own journey and on occasions other people's content that has helped me.
Some of the recommendations published on this blog: helenbrightmedium.blogspot.com and at helenbright.eu, or on any of my social media platforms may contain affiliate links and/or targeted affiliate advertisements, to relevant products and services; including videos that I personally trust and recommend.
An affiliate link will direct you to where you can purchase a book or other recommended item under my name. So if you choose to use any of the affiliate links or affiliate advertisements within this blog helenbrightmedium.blogspot.com, helenbright.eu or any of my social media platforms to purchase a product or service, I may earn a small commission and this is at absolutely no cost to you.
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You undertake to read and follow my work of your own volition and therefore I will also not be held responsible for any success gained or loss made from using any of the techniques, teachings, methods, or strategies outlined through my writings or media that I create.
Thank you for your time today!
Helen Bright, Healer & Medium